Invest in SBEDF

With financial support from the business community, SBEDF is able to strengthen its economic development infrastructure to ensure St. Bernard Parish is competitive and well positioned to capitalize on investment and help expand our economy. All investments go directly towards our main objectives: job growth, enhanced perception, improved quality of life, and creating a healthy business environment.

Investors in SBEDF Enjoy Various Benefits, including:

  • Recognition on website, social media, and marketing collateral
  • Verbal recognition at designated events
  • Co-branding opportunities
  • Business Retention and Expansion assistance
  • Making a difference in St. Bernard Parish

Complete benefits and investment level information can be found HERE.

Meet our Investors

Top Investor

Diamond Investors

Impact Champion



Community Colleagues

Frederick J. Sigur Investment Company
Drew Heaphy
Joseph DiFatta
Deborah D. Keller and Partners, LLC
Sean K. Warner
Doris Voitier
Ross Gonzales
Bill Haines
Cindi Meyer Agency
Kim Keene
Zeljko Franks
Nunez Community College
Cindi Meyer
Jessica Reab
Katherine Lemoine
Mark Heck
Leger & Shaw Attorneys and Counselors